Tournament Rules


Official Rules and Regulations

  1. All fish must be caught within legal areas, by legal means, and presented at the dock for measurement. Note: Released fish only count if they are “well” documented by photographic or video means and measured on the spot. Photo must show measurement. All Florida fishing rules and regulations must be observed. Failure to do so may result in team disqualification.
  2. Tournament Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. A ten-minute grace period will be allowed for late arrivals. A two (2) pound/minute penalty will be assessed after the ten-minute grace period expires.
  3. All participating teams must monitor the same channel #72 or a cellular phone (cellular numbers must be submitted with roster). In the event of a “hook-up” before 2:30 p.m., the captain must contact a minimum of one other team to notify of the “hook-up” and avoid the late penalty.
  4. Everyone that is on the boat must be registered, including the Captain.  There are no observers allowed.
  5. The Fishing Division will be limited to Dolphin. A total of ten (10) Dolphin may be brought for Weigh-In. The Boat with the heaviest group of Dolphins will be declared the winner. All additional fish need to be donated to the Fish Fry.
  6. The Diving Division of the tournament will consist of the heaviest ten (10) fish from the following species: Snapper, Grouper, and Hog Fish.
  7. Scoring and Prizes: Two divisions: Fishing and Diving (Blue Water Divers are in the Anglers Division)
    Best 10 fish. Total heaviest 10 fish from each boat/team.
    Anglers Heaviest 10 Fish Most Impressive Fish*
    Divers Heaviest 10 Fish Most Impressive Fish*
    Angler/Diver   Best Catch (age 13 or under)*
    Hard Luck    
    Female Angler/Diver   Most Impressive Fish
  8. Only one Registration Form per boat. Registration will be online at and payment for the entire boat must be submitted along with a completed registration form. Entry fee includes tournament t-shirt, captain’s meeting party, and entrance to party for Angler or Diver. Remember there is a $50 per guest fee; children 10 and under are free.
  10. NO PROFESSIONAL CAPTAINS OR DIVERS. This is a family, fun event!

* Most Impressive Fish Prize and Best Catch can be awarded to any species caught by legal means. Species categories for this prize will be limited to whatever we feel like on that day!